Moisture Measurement

The Importance of Moisture  Measurement for the Coffee  Market

Founding Director of Sinar Technology

Studied and developed moisture measurement techniques for more than 20  years

Passionate about moisture

Coffee, Tea & Cocoa

Home » Coffee, Tea & Cocoa

The penalty for poor moisture control affects both grower and processor alike. For the grower it means poor yields, contaminated product and a loss of his livelihood. For the producer it affects the colour, taste and quality of the product and ultimately leads to consumer dissatisfaction.

Feed & Foodstuffs

Home » Feed & Foodstuffs

No matter be it for human or animal consumption, control of moisture plays an important role in the process, whether it be in the production of bread, beer or pet food. Poor moisture control brings about variable quality, spoilage, reduced shelf life and the resultant loss of profitability.

Industrial Applications

Home » Industrial Applications

Determination of water in crude, fuels, refined oils and gases is regulated to International Standards by all producing countries. Various methods are employed from Karl Fisher to Infrared Spectral analysis dependant on the physical characteristics and required range of moisture content.

Covid 19 – Update

Home » Blog » Covid 19 – Update

In these difficult and uncertain times, we want to assure you that as a Ugandan business it is very important to us that we continue to support the Ugandan Agriculture sector, as we have done for the last 30 years.

The run up to harvest is an important time in all our businesses and we want to assure you that we are doing everything we can to support you, whilst also looking after the safety of our staff and their families.

Our Offices in Kampala and both our service centers in Jinja and Namanve, will remain open for as long as safely possible, while fully adhering to the strict guidelines set out by Ministry of Health.

With the likelihood that agricultural shows and our popular moisture meter clinics will be cancelled, we are concerned that the many customers we normally meet face to face in the run-up to harvest will now not have the opportunity to get their moisture meters checked.

We are working with our agricultural partners across the Uganda to try to mitigate this issue. More information to follow shortly.

In the meantime, if you would like to book your moisture meter in for a service you can do so by completing the form here or alternatively call our Service Manager on +256 705 577 823 and Option 1

Our Ugandan factory is still operating and a major advantage of being Made in Britain is that we have excellent levels of stock for both moisture meters and spares.

You can complete a contact form here Option 2 and we will get back to you straight away.

We hope you are all staying safe and positive, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions – we’re here to help!

Moisture Measurement
Moisture Measurement


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