platform weighing scale

Welcome to Accurate Weighing Scales Company

Your Full Service Weighing Scale Company in Uganda

We are the growing leader in the scale industry where attention to detail and precision meet professional customer service. Accurate Weighing Scales is small enough to provide personalized service, yet large enough to offer support needed for any size project. In today’s competitive market, accuracy, is more important than ever, so, accuracy is our business.

Here at Accurate Weighing Scales, we are ready to help with any of your scale needs. Whether it be Food Service, Logistics, recycling, pharmaceuticals, laboratory and even health and fitness, our friendly and courteous staff and our factory trained technicians, are ready to assist your any need. There is no way, like the accurate way, so stop by our corporate office or call us at

Accurate Weighing Scales
Accurate Weighing Scales

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