industries served

Accurate Weighing Scales, industries served and delivers

Accurate weighing scales has supplied different weighing scales in various industries like medical sectors, education sector, transport sector, supermarkets and shops, fisheries sector, laboratory, and manufacturing/trading and others.

We serve different sectors or industries in Uganda. Accurate Weighing Scales, services and delivers state of the art scales at the most affordable prices. Industrial scales serve different purposes. ·

Food portioning scales are used for weighing food items. · Examples of commercial scales are jewelry scales, Business industry scales for Agriculture, Aviation, Construction, Chemical, … Rogan Scale offers the bulk construction industry heavy-duty weighing …

Accurate Weighing Scales has supplied and serviced mechanical and digital scales

accurate weighing scales

Crane (hanging) scales, Whole sale scales, Baby scales, Mini palm scales, Industrial platforms, assorted weighing brands including Avery, Salter, Health ( height and weight ) scales, Precision scales Analytical/Laboratory scales, Moisture meters, Temperature gauges, Pallet trolleys, kitchen scales, Animal scales, Bag closers-stitching machine, Plastic bag sealers, Plastic foot sealers, Batch sealers, Table top scales, Counter scales, Barcode readers/printer, Waterproof scales, Axle weigh bridge,